Fish Feed

Globally, aquaculture has been identified as the surest alternative to capture fisheries (fishing from open water bodies) and a potent entry point at increasing fish production, poverty alleviation and job creation. However, the greatest problem facing the development of aquaculture enterprise is inadequate and high cost of fish feed which accounts for more than sixty percent (60%) of the total cost of fish production at farm gate. Hence, adequate and cost-effective input such as affordable quality fish feed must be provided for commercially important tropical fish species like the African catfish and Nile tilapia to increase fish production and profitability in aquaculture enterprise in Africa. Unlike terrestrial animals (poultry and other livestock) feed formulation for aquatic animals is uniquely different and must essentially takes cognizance of the aquatic environment and nutritional requirements of cultured fish species.

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Types of Feeds

  • Supplementary Feed: It contains maggot, fish offal, chicken waste, and brewery waste, among other things. It serves as a complement to the primary feeds. It can be administered at any time of day and aids in preventing cannibalism.
  • Sinking Feed: It is less expensive than floating feed and is typically referred to as local sinking pellet. It is inexpensive and readily dissolves in water.
  • Floating Feed: It is type of water-resistant meal. It does not sink as a result, but it is frequently pricey. It enables the farmer to observe how the fish react to the feed. Depending on the size and age of the fish, this sort of feed comes in diameters from 0.2 to 6.5 mm.

Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis niloticus )

Only Africa and a few American states are home to tilapia...

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In Nigeria and many other countries throughout the world...

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In Nigeria and many other countries throughout the world...

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Optimized Feed Formulation Techniques